Dec 30, 2006
Charlotte's Web: 4-H Field Trip Photo Report #2
Naeomie Barrow stands in the snack bar line to get a little something before the film begins.
Claire Turner (left), Onna Oden and Naeomie Barrow stand in front of the Regal Theater Charlotte's Web display. Jefferson County 4-H is at the top of the list to get the 6 foot high cardboard sign when the movie closes in a couple of weeks. It will be used next year in our promotional activities when the Charlotte's Web DVD is released.
In the lobby of the Silverdale Regal Movie complex, Claire Turner (left) and Naeomie Barrow get ready to interview 4 year-old Dillon about her impressions of Charlotte's Web.
After her 4-H Network News interview, Dillon talked to her grandmother about Wilber's friendship with the barnyard animals.
Claire Turner (left) talks to Naeomie Barrow about her 4-H friendships.