Dec 9, 2006

Charlotte's Web - Fern & Wilber Fan Video

This fan video was produced by YouTuber Megan341. Check out her 65 Dakota Fanning videos.

Q&A with Megan341

Q: What equipment do you use to make your videos?
A: The equipment I use is camera / screen recorder!

Q: What is the screen recorder that you use? Where did you get it?
A: The screen recorder I use is Bulent’s Screen Recorder 3.

Q: What is the brand of camera that you use? Where did you get it?
A: Well right Now I am in the process of getting a New video camera but the video cameras I own are actually Movie cameras and are very old. I don’t know what the brand is but I’m getting a new camera and when I find out that brand (which will be in about a day) I'll be more then happy to tell you.

Q: How did you learn how to edit?
A: I just picked up on how to edit It just came to me!

Q: How long have you been editing?
A: I've been editing vids for half a year (almost).

Q: Do family members or friends help you edit videos?
A: No they don’t really help me edit but they diffidently support all that I do. The only person who really helps me is my father Mark who is a professor at CTC (Career and Tech Center)

Q: What software programs do you use?
A: I use alot of different programs... mainly Windows Movie Maker

Q: Can you list the different programs that you use to edit videos? Since you use Movie Maker, you are using a PC. We use MACs here in the WSU (Washington State University) Learning Center. How big of a hard drive do you have? How much memory does you PC have in it? Laptop or Desktop?

A: Yes, I do have a PC but I still use a Mac at my school and I stay to work on videos.
I really only use windows movie maker.
I have other programs but I very rarely use them.
The one on the MAC I forget what it’s called but it is way better then Movie Maker.
My hard drive is rather small actually I’m running out of space on it. I work on a Desktop PC.

Q: How do you find material for your videos?
A: I find the materials on the net... I record them off my TV etc.

Q: What do you use to record material off your TV? A VCR or DVD Recorder?
A: I use a DVD recorder; however I don’t use it often